Jesus is everything.  We find our identity -- as individuals and as a church -- in who Jesus is, what he has done, and who he has made us to be.

  • We are a local church consumed with knowing Jesus more and more and sharing Jesus with people as much and as often as possible.  (click HERE for our church’s story)

  • We have a “nickname” – VanChurch.  Our “full name” is Vancouver Church of Christ, which is our denominational heritage.  (click HERE for more on our heritage)

  • We are so excited about the people that God has brought together to help lead this church.  (click HERE to see our staff and shepherding couples)


Jesus is everything.  Thus our vision statement reflects becoming like him: We are called to become like Christ in our world.

OUR Values

Jesus is everything.  We want our values to reflect that as much as our beliefs do.  We want to value Jesus and his glory, not our own.

  • Trust – First and foremost we trust God in his sovereignty.  We trust him for our provision and our hope.  We trust him for our ultimate safety and salvation.  Because we feel secure in God, we can feel safe to trust one another, which we believe the Holy Spirit will use to make us a safe place of trust for others.

  • Authentic Living – We want to be as honest and open about our life and our struggles as possible.  We want people to be impressed with Jesus, and that can’t happen when we’re working so hard to impress people with ourselves.

  • Authentic Listening – It’s so easy to tell people what we think.  It’s much harder to honestly care enough to do the hard work of listening to others without judgment, assumption, or comparison.

  • Transformation – We believe that Jesus provides a path to a transformed life, the most fulfilling life we were each created to live.  We want to experience that transformation all throughout our lives, and we want to see others experience it as well.  As has been said: We will do ANYTHING short of sinning to see people know the transforming power of Jesus.

  • Making a Difference – Nothing describes Jesus’ life on this earth more than this.  Specifically, we want to be a group that loves, serves, and helps those in need and those who have been marginalized.  We want to live in such a way that if our church (the whole group of us) disappeared, it would be noticed and missed by those who live in our community.